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2022年6月16日(木)SPIRITのInternet Explorerサポート終了について

2022年6月16日にMicrosoft社によるInternet Explorerのサポートが終了しました。
それに伴い、SPIRITにおけるInternet Explorerのサポートも終了します。
これまでInternet Explorerを用いてSPIRITを閲覧されていた方は、Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Firefox等他のブラウザをご利用ください。


​About an Automatic Translation System

At this website, the information in English is provided using a automatic translation system. As the automatic translation system translates the original Japanese text into English in a mechanical manner, the accuracy of the translated text is not guaranteed. Please bear this point in mind when using the translated information. For this purpose, the university shall not be held responsible for the consequence of your use of any translated information. We appreciate your understanding in advance.​

If any change to the class schedule or cancellation of classes becomes necessary due to a natural disaster, etc., the university will make the information available through the emergency contact system or at the university’s official website (at http://english.rikkyo.ac.jp).​


