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2022年6月16日(木)SPIRITのInternet Explorerサポート終了について

2022年6月16日にMicrosoft社によるInternet Explorerのサポートが終了しました。
それに伴い、SPIRITにおけるInternet Explorerのサポートも終了します。
これまでInternet Explorerを用いてSPIRITを閲覧されていた方は、Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Firefox等他のブラウザをご利用ください。

04月 01
新しく2年生となられた皆さんへ / To all new second-year students

・・・English version follows the Japanese text.・・・


総長 西原廉太





Renta Nishihara, President


To all new second-year students, I would like to say, welcome back to Rikkyo University and to wish you a bright new school year ahead. 

We are facing the crisis of a global pandemic of the new coronavirus infection and are making gradual progress in overcoming it. It once seemed as if our normal daily lives had been lost since all on-campus activities were restricted at the university. Rikkyo University, however, has been gradually resuming campus activities including face-to-face education and has continued to do so until today. This is because we have been gathering the wisdom of the people and continuing to search for a way of being that is unique to Rikkyo University, where no one is left behind.

For those of you who are in your second year, your new life at the university has begun with inconvenience and uncertainty. We are sure that some of you have had painful and discouraging times. Your seniors also had to give up some of their seminars and extracurricular activities just as they were about to get involved with you. Yet I have no doubt that you have spent the last year with a sense of pride as Rikkyo students. I hope that you will make the most of the experience in your new campus life and reach even greater levels of success.

Rikkyo University is currently preparing to welcome you to our campus. Each college and department will make their own efforts to create educational practices that will enhance your future learning with due consideration of safety and wellness, I think this will be reflected as classes that effectively develop face-to-face education while taking advantage of the benefits of online lectures. We hope that you will become a leader in creating new and innovative values for the further development of Rikkyo University.

Unfortunately, we were unable to hold the entrance ceremony for your enrollment last year. We have now decided to hold an "Entrance Ceremony for New Second-Year Students" as a time of encouragement for those of you who are starting your studies at the campus in a fresh way, although it is a year late.

The event is to be held on Saturday, April 24, at Tucker Hall, Ikebukuro Campus. For more details, please check the information.

We are looking forward to seeing you all there.


Renta Nishihara

President of Rikkyo University