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2022年6月16日(木)SPIRITのInternet Explorerサポート終了について

2022年6月16日にMicrosoft社によるInternet Explorerのサポートが終了しました。
それに伴い、SPIRITにおけるInternet Explorerのサポートも終了します。
これまでInternet Explorerを用いてSPIRITを閲覧されていた方は、Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Firefox等他のブラウザをご利用ください。

ナビゲーション リンクのスキップscholarships

​Rikkyo University offers two forms of financial support for international students: a tuition reduction system and scholarships. These financial support systems help international students enjoy a successful experience while staying at the University. In addition, the Division of Student Affairs handles common scholarships for Japanese students. 
List of scholarships (in Japanese)

Scholarships for International Students

Scholarships for international students include internal scholarships sponsored by Rikkyo University and external scholarships sponsored by the government or various foundations. Some scholarships require students to submit a “Shogakukin Shutsugan tôroku” (Scholarship Application Registration). Students are recommended for these scholarships based on the university’s ranking and this registration. Interested applicants are encouraged to attend our “Orientation for International Students” and “Guidance for International Students” sessions, which are held in April. These sessions provide details on the registration method and process by which rank is determined. Furthermore, application guidelines for independent scholarships are publicized on the bulletin board of the International Office.