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2022年6月16日(木)SPIRITのInternet Explorerサポート終了について

2022年6月16日にMicrosoft社によるInternet Explorerのサポートが終了しました。
それに伴い、SPIRITにおけるInternet Explorerのサポートも終了します。
これまでInternet Explorerを用いてSPIRITを閲覧されていた方は、Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Firefox等他のブラウザをご利用ください。

ナビゲーション リンクのスキップtutors

​Students enrolled as regular students who have “College Student” status of residence, or those who entered the University by passing an entrance examination for international students, and plan to submit a graduation thesis for a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree, are eligible for a tutorial service in Japanese for writing their thesis, provided their supervising professors deem it necessary. Through this program, students can receive thesis tutoring in their nonnative language from a Japanese student pre-approved by the supervising professor during the school year in which the thesis is to be submitted. Students preparing a thesis in their native language are excluded from this program. ​

The supervising professors approve the appointment of the tutors, who as a general rule, have acquired a master’s degree or have commensurate academic ability. They are not limited to students in the University’s graduate schools. 
The tutoring schedule is typically two hours per week for a six-month period during the academic year in which the thesis is to be submitted. Students wishing to work with a thesis tutor are encouraged to make this request at the Center for International Studies, on either campus.