リボン コマンドをスキップする
メイン コンテンツにスキップ

June 16, 2022 (Thursday) SPIRIT's Internet Explorer end of support

Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer on June 16, 2022.
As a result, SPIRIT will no longer support Internet Explorer.
If you have been browsing SPIRIT using Internet Explorer, please use other browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, etc.

ナビゲーション リンクのスキップgoogle

As of September 2022


After December 1, 2022, all services other than email will be discontinued.

Service nameV-CampusID@rikkyo.ac.jp
(Current students, faculty and staff,staff)
2 step verification process×○ (Note 1)
Google Chrome sync
Google Vault×
Google chat
Jamboard Service×
Google Keep×
Google Tasks×
Drive and document×
contact information
App Maker××
Chrome Web Store××
Fusion Tables (Experimental)×
Google AdSense××
Google Bookmarks×
Google Cloud Platform×
Google Domains××
Google Earth×
Google Fi××
Google My Maps×
Google Payments××
Google Play×
Google Play Console××
Google Play Books Partner Center××
Google Public Data×
Google Search Console×
Google Translator Toolkit×
Google Trips××
Google Voice××
Google Ad Manager××
Google Analytics×
Google Alert×
Google Custom Search×
Google Cloud Print×
Google Group×
Google data export×
Google data portal×
Google Photos×
Google Books×
Google My Business××
Google Maps×
Google ads××
Location History××
managed Google Play×
Material Gallery×
Merchant Center××
Partner Dash×
Scholar profile×
Tour Creeator××
YouTube○ (Note 2)×
Web & App Activity××
Campaign manager××
Science journal××
Search and assistant×
Search Ads 360××
Personal storage××

(Note 1) Although 2-step authentication function is enabled, 2-step authentication will not be effective unless you change personal security settings.

(Note 2) The name of the V-Campus ID will be displayed as the owner information of the uploaded video, so we recommend managing it with a "Brand Account".
It is possible to prevent data loss due to account expiration due to graduation or retirement with the owner transfer function of "brand account". It is also suitable for group management.
Click here for details(https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/7001996?hl=ja)Please refer to.

Please note that other Google Workspace for Education (formerly known as G Suite) services other than Gmail may be discontinued without notice.
