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2022年6月16日(木)SPIRITのInternet Explorerサポート終了について

2022年6月16日にMicrosoft社によるInternet Explorerのサポートが終了しました。
それに伴い、SPIRITにおけるInternet Explorerのサポートも終了します。
これまでInternet Explorerを用いてSPIRITを閲覧されていた方は、Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Firefox等他のブラウザをご利用ください。


English Intensive
担当:芳賀 サチエ ランゲージセンター教育講師

 Autumn semester has begun and now many of you are thinking about your plans for next year. Will you study abroad? Would you like to take classes that advance practical skills to prepare you for when you begin work? Or perhaps you would like to find a class where you can learn about the world more? As you already know Rikkyo University’s mission is to develop Global Leaders. If you are interested in further developing your global outlook and English studies after completing your first year required courses, then “English Intensive” is the program for you!


  • Small Class sizes(Up to 25 students)→ Develop deep relationships with classmates.
  • Meet twice a week → Lots of opportunity to discuss and think deeply about topics.
  • Classmates have similar interest and motivation → Positive and warm environment where everyone encourages each other to do their best work.
  • Discussion and/or project based → Enjoy learning about new topics & hear a variety of different opinions.
  • 21st Century Skills → Ask your own questions and cover topics that have many possible perspectives which reflect real life where this isn’t only one correct answer. 

There are four intensive courses:
<Spring Term>
English Intensive A : Global World - discuss current global issues deeply, such as international politics and environmental destruction. Students learn how to think critically and articulate their opinions about these issues through group work, discussions and presentations.
English Intensive B : Academic Language Skills - prepares students with the academic skills needed for study abroad. For example, academic writing, listening, presentation and notetaking. Students explore a variety of academic lecture content to develop their academic English skills.

<Fall Term>
English Intensive C : Integrated Language Skills - develops communication and language skills through a variety of topics that will help students doing work(volunteer or paid), study, and/or social activities in international settings.
English Intensive D : Intercultural Understanding - reflects upon the diversity of world cultures and explores issues that arise out of interaction between cultures. This class learns about world cultures more deeply and thinks critically about the concepts of internationalization, cultural assimilation and strategies to manage communication across different cultures.

Comments from students

 “Through thinking deeply about social issues, I was able to understand a lot of global social issues connected to our Japan.” (Momoka, 2nd year student)

 “In this class, I could develop many skills. These skills will be helpful when I talk with foreigners. Now that Japan is globalized, we have to focus on social issues and have our own opinion. In the future, I want to be a person who can consider social issues logically and have a persuasive opinion. I learned to attract people with hook, phrase and structure of presentation.”(Shumpei, 3rd year student)

 “Through many short discussions and long discussions, I gained confidence in my opinions. Now I can speak my idea openly.”(Ayumi, 2nd year student)


「English Intensive A」授業概要(2019年度シラバスより)


This course focuses on familiarizing the students with key developments, tensions and incongruities that constitute today’s world, and they will learn to be able to think critically and articulate their opinions on these issues. The teaching objectives of the course are (1) to familiarize students in English with key world issues through relevant reading and listening assignments inside and outside of class and (2) to enable students to critically formulate and express their own thoughts in English through communicative activities and tasks.


Students will gather up-to-date information, analyze what they collected and make presentations on the following topics: International issues (conflicts, environmental destruction, poverty etc.), Social issues (gender, human rights etc.), Contemporary issues (aging society etc.) after discussions.